English as 2nd Language

We promote a positive attitude towards bilingualism and provide opportunities for children for the development of the home language and develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that are necessary for their self-fulfilment and development.

When children come to the nursery, they bring with them a knowledge and understanding of language. Language skills and their learning and development are interdependent.


To ensure we are adhering to these duties at all times and:

  • The motivation for learning a language is the need to communicate in real situations
  • Children have the right to have their individual language needs addressed.
  • They need the opportunity to practise, extend and refine their new language skills
  • Staff maintain high expectations of children’s language acquisition and use
  • Children need to learn through language, about language and to use language throughout the nursery curriculum
  • Promote a positive attitude towards bilingualism and provide opportunities for the development of the home language.


  • Encourage children to transfer their knowledge, skills and understanding of one language to another
  • Build on children’s experiences of language at home and in the wider community, so that their developing uses of English and other languages support one another.
  • Children with English as an additional language do not produce separate work, but rather we plan opportunities for children to develop their English skills by providing support to help them access the curriculum and take part in all activities. We help these children by building on their experiences of language at home and in the wider community to support their developing use of English and other languages to support each other.
  • We provide a range of opportunities for children to engage in speaking and listening activities with their peers and adults, and writing in their home and other languages is displayed throughout the nursery
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